27 Eylül 2012 Perşembe


If you look carefully, you will see that the world is based on the rule I call, "Screwity" more you screw things up, or get screwed up for this matter, the more world gains energy for it's eviiiiiil plans. If it is more shamful, the thing you screw up, more people will be there to see it.

Like it or not.

"Please don't make a blog, it is like hell on earth"
"Winter, whaddareyadoing?!"
"Winter STAHP."

Go read another place to lose time. I'M BORED AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO. Naw, you won't be seeing a lot of blogs written like this. Where I, a 16 years old boy-
"Honey you are 15"
*Ahem* Anyway, a 16 years old boy, who has a not-perfect-at-all-english writing stuff here because he is BORED and saw a friend doing. What a ... What a... Uh... I DON'T KNOW THE ENGLISH WORD FOR IT. AGH. (Özenti)

Don't stay tuned. It will hurt you. Trust me.

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